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Souvenirs Holland

Oldtimers, De Echte Volzoete Scheepsknopen Drop

Oldtimers, De Echte Volzoete Scheepsknopen Drop

Regular price €3.99 EUR
Regular price €5.99 EUR Sale price €3.99 EUR
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The origins of our licorice trace back to 1936 when Douwe Douwenga, a licorice maker, received a unique request from the stern yet just Mr. Van Slooten. On September 11th, at nine in the morning, Mr. Van Slooten, inspired by an idea, inquired if Douwe could create "button licorice." Without hesitation, Douwe accepted the challenge, envisioning ship knots as the perfect inspiration.

Embarking on a journey to Harlingen, Douwe immersed himself in the world of sailors, mastering the art of ship knots and absorbing the colorful language of the sea. After four days of intense training, he returned with three carefully chosen knots: De Halve Knoop, De Vlaamse Acht, and De Meervoudige Overhands Knoop. When presented to Mr. Van Slooten, who initially meant buttons on pants, he was taken aback but intrigued by the result.

The licorice, aptly named "De Echte Volzoete Scheepsknopen Drop," was a sensation until the early sixties, eventually fading into obscurity. It is with great pride that we revive the legacy of Douwe Douwenga by reintroducing this delectable and full-bodied licorice to enthusiasts who appreciate its rich history and authentic taste.

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